
Project results

The key result of the project will be study or lifelong learning programmes developed or enhanced and evaluated based on qualifications standards.

Within the project, each partner country will develop a proposal for a qualification standard, improve existing or develop a new study programme or a lifelong learning programme, and finally conduct a "test" - external evaluation of the programme in accordance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area. The three countries participating in the project will provide mutual support, exchange experiences, and rely on consultation with countries already experienced in the development of qualification standards and their use in quality assurance.

The implementation of the project began in June 2020 and will last until November 2022.

Three project workshops were held

The first project workshop was held on July 5 and 6, 2021, the topic of the workshop was the Occupational Standard and Qualification Standard for Teachers in Higher Education and programs for improving competencies. The workshop was held online and was organized by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia. More information about the workshop is available at this link.


The second project workshop was held on November 24 and 25, 2021, the topic of the workshop was the Teacher Qualification Standard in Higher Education - the basis for creating a program for improving teacher competencies. The workshop was held online and was organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of North Macedonia. More information about the workshop is available at this link.


The third project workshop was held on April 6 and 7, 2022, the topic of the workshop was Evaluation of lifelong learning programs for teachers in higher education. The workshop was held online and was organized by the Agency for Control and Quality Assurance of Higher Education from Montenegro. More information about the workshop is available at this link.



Developed qualification standards for teachers in higher education

Since the purpose of the project is to use the tools of national qualification frameworks in the process of quality assurance in higher education, as one of the key activities, the partners have developed qualification standards. In accordance with the joint agreement of the coordinator and the project partners, the qualification standards for teachers in higher education were developed, and they were developed by the working groups and project teams of the partners.

Given the mutual differences in the national qualification frameworks of coordinators and partners, in order to achieve compliance of the qualification standards with the needs of the labor market, the partners carried out various activities that formed the basis for the creation of the qualification standards. Thus, in addition to the qualification standard, the Croatian working group previously created the occupational standard, while the project partners, before adopting the proposal for the qualification standard, conducted a survey/research in which they wanted to determine the need for the adoption of the qualification standard and the knowledge, abilities and skills expected of teachers in higher education.

The Croatian working group created, in accordance with the current regulations, the occupational standard which is available at this link and draft of the qualification standard available at this link. The occupational standard was entered in the Register of the Croatian Qualification Framework on June 10, 2021.

The Macedonian project team has developed, in accordance with the current regulations, a qualification standard for teachers in higher education, which is available at this link. The qualification standard was entered in the Register of Qualifications on January 28, 2022. The basis for creating the Standards of Qualification for Teachers in Higher Education was the research that is available at this link.

The Montenegrin working group created, in accordance with the current regulations, the qualification standard for teachers in higher education, which is available at this link. Also, the Montenegrin working group previously conducted an Analysis on the competences of teachers at higher education institutions in Montenegro, which is available at this link.

Developed programs for the improvement of teaching competencies of teachers in higher education

Developed programs for the improvement of teaching competencies of teachers in higher education

As part of the project, all project partners were supposed to create a program for improving the teaching competencies of teachers in higher education, the program is the end result of the work of project teams and working groups.

In the Republic of Croatia, on the basis of the proposed qualification standard, a program for improving the teaching competencies of teachers in higher education was developed. It was created by the working group of the Croatian Catholic University in accordance with its internal procedures, the relevant legislative framework related to higher education and on the basis of the proposed standard for the partial qualification Teacher in Higher Education.
After the reviews, the program was refined and submitted for opinion to the Committee for Quality Assurance of the Croatian Catholic University, and after receiving a positive opinion from the Committee, it was submitted for evaluation to the Senate of the University. The program is available at this link.

On the basis of the developed qualification standard and the questionnaire that was conducted among teachers and associates employed at universities and in the Republic of North Macedonia, a lifelong learning program for improving the teaching competencies of teachers in higher education was developed under the title Professionalization of the profession of high school teacher (didactic perspective). After the reviews, the program was refined. The program can be accessed at this link.

In the Republic of Montenegro, an initiative was also created to develop the qualification of the lifelong learning program. The program created by the Montenegrin team is available at this link.

Prepared a Manual with examples of good practice in the process of creating qualification standards and programs related to the improvement of teaching competencies of teachers in higher education

Prepared a Manual with examples of good practice in the process of creating qualification standards and programs related to the improvement of teaching competencies of teachers in higher education

The coordinator and partners created a Manual that describes the process of developing qualification standards, programs and program reviews in each country. The manual also contains general information about the qualification frameworks of the countries and procedures for creating standards and programs, as well as program evaluation processes, as well as links to important legislative and strategic documents.

The manual is available in 4 languages:
•    English language
•    Croatian language
•    Macedonian language
•    Montenegrin language

Conducted reviews on developed programs for improving teaching competencies of teachers in higher education

Conducted reviews on developed programs for improving teaching competencies of teachers in higher education

After the development of the program for the improvement of teaching competences of teachers in higher education, reviews were carried out by experts taking into account ESG and the tools of the qualification frameworks.
Reviews of the program for the improvement of teaching competencies of teachers in higher education created by the Croatian Catholic University are available at the link.
Reviews of the Macedonian program Professionalization of the profession of high school teacher (didactic perspective) are available at the link.
Reviews of the Montenegrin program Professional development and professional training of academic staff for pedagogical work are available at the link.